With a rise in online scams and the sale of counterfeit products, we have to work together to keep fakes off the shelves! The last thing we want is for you to doubt the quality of our products because you got your hands on a cheap imitation RearViz.
RVI Active is dedicated to providing only the best products to our cycling and adventuring customers. We have poured countless hours into creating a flawless product design that lasts, and ethically manufacturing our vision. This is why we need your support to help the likes of innovative and entrepreneurial firms, like us, thrive. Say no to knocks off products and know the signs.
What are the signs of a counterfeit?
If you have spotted a RearViz that you believe to be fake, please send us any photos, links, or information to admin@rviactive.com and help us keep fraud from destroying our business! We appreciate your loyalty and support.